Friday, March 18, 2011

How to grow sunflower greens

I love sunflower greens but they are not readily available. So I've been sprouting and growing my own, it's much easier than I thought!

Here's a step by step guide on how to grow your own:

1) Wash and soak about 2 heaped tablespoons of sunflower seeds in a glass jar, after about 24 hours, they will begin to sprout, with  little roots jutting out from the seeds. Drain.

2) Prepare a container (with holes at the bottom for drainage) by filling it about 3 inches deep with potting soil. I use a recycled clear plastic container which nectarines and plums are sold in. Spread the seeds on the top.

3) Pour some water all over till a small amount begins to drain from the bottom.

4) Sprinkle a thin layer of potting soil over the top.

5) Spray with a little water daily. In about 36 hours, you will begin to see the shoots poking out from the soil.

6) The sunflower greens will be ready to harvest in 3-5 days!

7) To harvest, just snip off the taller ones just above the soil with a pair of scissors. I prefer to harvest them in 3 stages as some seeds take a bit longer to sprout than others.

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