Friday, April 27, 2007

Back in the heat of things

It takes me a long time to get used to this heat and humidity again. Going to the market is a challenge. Not only do I have to lug my excess baggage around in shorts that are way too tight, I have to jostle my way through the crowd and queue up for my pork.

I made Apple Char Siew the other day. Yum yum, sorry I forgot to take a pic. But I did take a pic of my lunch… Turmeric & Tomato Chicken. Nicely de-boned thighs, marinated for 30 hours and then cooked under the grill. I had that with short grain brown rice and some cheap white wine. Crisp on the nose and…. better in my stomach! LOL

We're back!

... from the Land of the Long White Cloud. ;)

Of course we didn't go there just for the food. Though I must say it was constantly on our minds. They have some pretty good ice-cream and wine! Most of the restaurant food is cooked in too much salt. So I did some cooking, when I could, in various kitchen configurations! Most intriguing was this huge communal kitchen that served the lodges, motel units and backpackers. I was most interested to see what people were cooking. From the scruffy young bloke who heated a can of spaghetti to the seasoned couple who whipped up a hearty well-balanced meal. How our diets have changed in this day and age. Blue-eyes having stir-fry with rice and yellow-skinned me and hubby having soup with bread. I craved for soup everyday while I was there, even at breakfast. What's new...?

I made lots of beef & lamb dishes! We also tried blue cod & sea urchin. I didn’t cart around any seasoning, but I bought a great sea salt & black pepper grinder from the supermarket! You realize how little you really need when you’re travelling. It is once again so unfortunate that all the food I cooked turned out so delish. One night we ate 700g oxtail, 2 lamb shanks & some seafood, just for dinner! And another night, we wolfed down the whole leg of lamb! Well, the short of it is that I have excess baggage of 3kg. Thankfully the airline didn’t charge us for that.

The wine (oooh, some nice boutique vineyards we visited) probably added more calories to our meals. Well, you need something nice and dry to wash down all that red meat right? You should also see the size of the ice-cream cones there. Not to mention I was always on the look-out for chunky date scones, good cheeses, hot chips and other snacks. My shorts don't fit anymore.